Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Quoting from The Female Eunuch

"In the struggle to remain a complete person and to love from her fullness instead of her inadequacy a woman may appear hard. She may feel her early conditioning tugging her in the direction of surrender, but she ought to remember that she was originally loved for herself; she ought to hang on to herself and not find herself nagging, helpless, irritable and trapped. 

Perhaps I am not old enough yet to promise that the self-reliant woman is always loved, but she cannot be lonely as long as there are people in the world who need her joy and her strength, but certainly in my experience it has always been so.

 Lovers who are free to go when they are restless always come back; lovers who are free to change remain interesting. The bitter animosity and obscenity of divorce is unknown where individuals have not become Siamese twins. A lover who comes to your bed of his own accord is more likely to sleep with his arms around you all night than a lover who has nowhere else to sleep.”


― Germaine Greer, The Female Eunuch

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Life is now!

Of all the things I learn't in my twenties, none was as important as the fact that life didn't happen after you found your perfect job or after you fell in love or saved up enough money or did your mba. Life was happening right now, this very second and you need to do start doing what you really want to right now.

I wanted to write a blog about all the craziness of my 20's so here it is. Starting right now.